From Ore to More

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IR GUIDES - From Ore to More

This page is rough draft. And is by no means complete. --Jodo (talk) 20:38, 1 November 2018 (UTC)


Interstellar Rift features a vast resource system. These resources can be used to build ships, components, tools and, consumables. It is the intent of this guide to provide you with the necessary knowledge to collect and process various resources into usable equipment. There are multiple ways to collect resources in Interstellar Rift, from direct asteroid extraction to salvaging wreckage. In this guide we will mainly focus on direct extraction. If you want to learn more about Salvage you can read our guide called Salvage Operations.

Step 1 - Collection

We are going to assume you have the required systems to begin extraction of resources. The only thing you really need is a functional Resource Extractor! You can find these on most starter stations, and they can be installed on your personal ship! You will need to make sure that your ship (or station) is within range of asteroids. You can verify this by looking outside the window, checking the scanner in a cockpit or, directly on the Resource Extractor control screen.

In a base "Tier 0" system you will typically see high quantities of basic resources, and low quantities of rare resources. You will learn more about resources as you progress in the game. This may be overwhelming at first, but fear not, overtime you will become quite comfortable with the various resources and their tier levels.

That's a lot of info, let's get to the point! Let's hop onto the control pad of the Resource Extractor. You will see two control panels, the left panel displays asteroids that are in range and can be harvested. On each asteroid in this list you will see all the resources that will be collected by the extraction process. You can search through this list by using the scroll wheel, or simply dragging the scroll bar. Once you are ready to being extraction, select an asteroid in this list by clicking on it. Now on the right control panel a "Mine" button will appear, click it! Only thing left to do now is wait, the resources will be extracted and loaded into cargo crates that will be dispensed by the Extractor as it progresses. You will not be able to select a new asteroid until the extraction process has completed fully. Once the final crate is ejected you will be able to select a new asteroid and repeat the process.

That pretty much sums up Step #1 ! When you are ready, let's move on to Step #2 !

Step 2 - Refining