Server Config

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Revision as of 14:07, 9 August 2019 by Sentir342 (Talk | contribs)

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Setting Description Default
GhostClientStartCountThreshold How many times a ghost client can be started in GhostClientStartCountResetDurationInSeconds before being prevented from starting for GhostClientPreventStartDurationInSeconds 10
GhostClientStartCountResetDurationInSeconds 120
GhostClientPreventStartDurationInSeconds 300
GhostClientStartCountThresholdEnabled Whether to enable the ghost client start count threshold. true
GhostClientHeartbeatIntervalInSeconds The interval in which heartbeats are sent to ghost clients. 5
GhostClientHeartbeatTimeoutInSeconds After how long a ghost client should be killed when it doesn't respond to heartbeats. 60
GhostClientHeartbeatEnabled Whether to enable ghost client heartbeats true
MaxTimeToCacheSystemSaveDataInTicks How long to cache save data received from ghost clients, a high number may result in server hiccups when a player logs in or rifts to another system. 100