Interstellar Rift Ship Builder v0.01 released!

Two weeks ago we revealed Interstellar Rift to the world, and the responses have been overwhelmingly positive. Today we hit our first major milestone and we’re ready to let you guys play with our ship builder. With today’s release you’ll be able to create a space ship interior and hull. Over the coming days/weeks/months we’ll continue to improve and add new features to the ship builder based on your feedback. From today and forever you’ll be able to download the shipbuilder for free! as a standalone download. And when the alpha release rolls around you’ll be able to import the ships you’ve designed right into the main game!

The Interstellar Rift Alpha V0.01 can be downloaded Here


This pre-alpha build will allow you to design a ship from the inside out, however, please keep in mind that this is a pre alpha build, so there will be bugs, crashes and a lot of missing features. We plan to update the ship builder every two weeks with new content in the form of building blocks, visual improvements, new features and more, and walking around is just over the horizon.

For more instructions on how to use the ship builder please visit this page.


However we need your help to make this game the best it can be. Play around with the builder and let us know what you like and dislike, put it through the wringer, try to break it! We want to know what you want to see in Interstellar Rift and what we should probably leave out.

You can reach out to us through these channels:

Or go to our Forum

We are only human and we know there are infinitely more creative people out there than we can ever be. So show off that amazing new ship you’ve built. And let’s find out what we can do to make your creations even better.

We hope you enjoy the ship builder in its current incarnation and that it gives you a taste of what is to come.