Hacking Chipsets

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Hacking Chipsets
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Hacking Chipsets
Hacking Chipsets
Resource ID: xxx
Category: Items


Hacking Chipsets are created with a 3D Printer to drain, repair or boost firewalls.


Hacking Chipsets are used in a Cyber Warfare Suit to drain other firewalls or boost/repair the firewalls of the own ship.

Chipsets require 10 gold, 10 silicon and either 10 iridium for draining firewalls or 10 platinum for repairing and boosting firewalls

Chipsets can have the following stats:

   break firewall	- applies a set drain rate on a firewall
   break firewall percentage - drains a percentage of the firewall per tick (faster when the firewall is stronger)
   break firewall pulse - drains a set amount of firewall hitpoints after a set amount of ticks
   repair firewall - applies a set regeneration rate to a firewall
   repair firewall percentage - applies a percentage based regeneration rate on a firewall (faster when the firewall is stronger)
   repair firewall pulse - applies a set amount of firewall hitpoints after a set amount of ticks
   repair hacked system	- applies a set regeneration rate to a hacked firewall