The universe is expensive! Interstellar Rift development update 018

It’s time to sign up, because from this update onwards you’ll need an Interstellar Rift account to be able to play the game. But don’t worry, these accounts are free and registration is quick. We need these accounts to be able to save your inventory, ship and other server related information. This means that in upcoming updates you will finally be able to actually own a ship yourself, instead of sharing it with everyone on a server.

Please note that the new accounts are only for in-game use, the accounts for the community forums are still separate.

To make a new Interstellar Rift account, go here

For this update we have also added resource costs for every piece of ship interior. There are two resources in the game right now, Copper and Iron, and you’ll need to mine these before you can build a ship. For your convenience, we have also added a mining station which spawns along with the starter station to gather resources with.

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This is how ship building works right now;

  1. First, you must use the resource extractor that can be found on the mining station to mine some ores. These ores will be stored in crates next to the extractor.

  2. The crates must be placed on cargo pads (any cargo pad will do, but they cannot remain on the extractor.)

  3. The ship editor terminal now shows an overview of costs for every ship, as does the editor. On the display of the ship editor terminal you can see how much resources are stored on a station, and if you select a blueprint it will show you how much that blueprint costs, and how much resources you’ll have left after construction a ship.

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Eventually you’ll be able to store your materials inside the station’s vault to ensure the resources remain yours, and can only be spent by you. but for now all resources placed onboard a ship can be used by everyone until we add the vault.

For now, all ships must be build with resources but we will allow you to set up your own servers and games to make use of creative mode in the future.

The ores you mine can be used in unrefined form right now, but we will implement ways to refine them into proper construction resources in the upcoming updates as well as add more available ores and resources to build with.

The addition of resource costs is a game changing feature and we’re going to need your help to balance this to be fair and fun to use.