Santa’s Workshop – Interstellar Rift development Update 046

Workshop support was on a lot of wish lists as a requested feature for Interstellar Rift, and today the shipyard will open to allow ship and station sharing!

You can access the Steam Workshop from the store page, ships that you subscribe to are downloaded right away and available ingame in seconds! Ships will automatically show up in the load menu of the ship editor and in your available ships in the ship editor terminal. To delete ships simply unsubscribe from them on the workshop page.


Share your ships and stations via the workshop.

In the options menu of the ship editor you can now find a new menu that will open up the Steam Workshop exporter. Here you are able to set several options for your files and add tags, descriptions and a default screenshot.

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The game will generate some basic information about your ship automatically!

Also in this patch, the software engineers at SenCorp have upgraded your cockpit software. In this new update you can target your enemies or any point of interest. You can do this by pressing “T” (default key), doing this will select the closest point of interest it can find, when the targeting button is pressed again the targeting system will continue on to the point of interest that is closest after the first one. The maximum range of targeting any point or object of interest is 4 kilometres.

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New service depots can be found in space.

When you’ve found the right enemy to target and are done annihilating the enemy ship, the wreckage will now leave scrap behind to salvage, that is if you have a salvager!

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The salvager can retrieve cargo and wreckage from space.

However, not all ships will give the same resources, for example, a ship that was created without silicon and does not have silicon on board will not give any scrap that can be salvaged into silicon. With your salvaging system you will receive scrap from a certain resource, this scrap can be refined into the resource in the refinery. using the salvager you will also be able to reclaim crates that have been ejected from other ships as well as beacons.

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Salvaged metal scraps can be refined into processed materials.

Our friends at HydroPEX have designed a new type of station. The refueling station, this is a station that you can randomly encounter in space and will allow you to buy vast amounts of hydrogen, these stations will also allow you to repair your ship while on your travels!

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You can repair and refuel your ship at the new HydroPEX service depots.

We hope you enjoy this new patch and as always, if you would like to know more or would like sneak previews of upcoming features and patches please follow us on twitter, facebook and our own and Steam forums.


From all of us at Split Polygon, happy holidays and we look forward to bringing a lot of new content to Interstellar Rift in the new year!

P.S. The next patch will be in three weeks instead of two, due to a holiday break!

Scanning for enemies – Interstellar Rift development Update 045

Today, we introduce the basics of PvE in Interstellar Rift. From now on, when you explore the galaxy and stumble upon an asteroid field, you might find that it will be defended by drones. The further one gets from the spawning area, the higher this chance will be. So raise your shields and stock up on ammo, they will be packing a punch.

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Defense Drones

If your ship happens to get damaged, you are now able to repair your ship at your nearest Store-o-Tron terminal for a fee.

Additionally, you will now be able to scan the universe for resources. If your ship is equipped with sensors (these can be built in the exterior part of the ship editor), you can set it to find resources from the main terminal on your cockpit. Each scanner you add to your ship will give your ship more scanning strength. Scanning strength will reduce static on your scanners and let you scan further away from your ship. You can set which resources you want to scan for, or just look for all of them at the same time!

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New scanner gui

To make your travels easier, the company supplying the ship construction terminal and the refinery has improved their design and reworked their looks. There’s no need to worry you don’t need to do a thing, as soon as you log on again they have already been replaced by the Hurles co. engineers, yes they even went into your own ships and replaced them there, creepy! These engineers have also installed new software on all systems that show resources, with resource icons to create more symmetry across all GUI’s.

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Ship construction terminal

We have also added a new tutorial button to the main menu. When clicked, you will enter a preliminary version of the tutorial. We are listening to player feedback for this tutorial to find out how to make the game easier to understand for new players.

Finally, we’ve added a couple of little things. For instance, server owners can now set a welcome message on their servers, scrolling through your inventory should no longer skip items, and brand new mining station.

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The new mining station

We hope you enjoy this new patch and as always, if you would like to know more or would like sneak previews of upcoming features and patches please follow us on twitter, facebook and our own and steam forums.